The Pagosa Springs Rotary Club thoroughly enjoyed the presentation about his homeland from Leo Witschurke, the 2016-2017 incoming Rotary Youth Exchange Student!  
Leo comes to us from Berlin Germany and we were surprised to hear that Americans might make a bigger deal about Octoberfest celebrations than BERLINERS do! Berlin is in the northern area of Germany.  The Octoberfest celebration originated in Bavaria which is the largest region and located in the southern part of Germany to which millions of people from all over the world travel to attend.  And indeed, Lisa Scott, the Rotary Youth Exchange Coordinator, had made sure we had all the decorations for the event and while there was no beer involved, there were certainly pretzels!
Leo's quick wit and charming expressions extend to us even during discussions of serious historical events such as the wall that divided the country from 1961 to 1989 built by East Germany after WW II.