• In other news: we celebrated a couple of anniversaries - Dave Smith and his wife Jean have been married 50 years and Jimmy Munozcano and his wife have been married for 12!
  • Dave Richardson let us know that Barry is still really struggling with this last back surgery.  It is turning out to be much more difficult that what anyone had anticipated. Please give Barry and call to cheer him up!
  • Roberta Tolan was celebrating the purchase of a new teardrop camper and the fine art of backing those things up
  • Livia Cloman Lynch gave us an update about the Colorado Opportunities Grant.  She has obtained approval from the Board of County Commissioners and is moving forward with actually writing the grant itself! This is very exciting news and may well be a significant 'boost' to our graduating seniors in the upcoming years
  • Kim had really good news about our Holiday Party issue - The Alley House has been most gracious and is refunding some of the charges