Posted by Shellie Peterson
Robin Young reminded us that with our dry conditions, it was not too soon to be thinking about creating or maintaining a defensible space around our homes.  Fire can spread in several ways, either by direct contact, radiant heat or flying embers.  Any fuel source in close proximity to your home could be a fire hazard.  With such low snow conditions, take a look around your property and think about how you could increase that defensible space by clearing away dead tree branches, pine needles or other combustibles that could be a danger on your property.
Other things that are best done well ahead of a fire event include making plans about how to evacuate, where to meet and whom to contact away from your property to get in touch with family members.  These things need to be established but also practiced so that in emergency even young children would know exactly how to proceed to safety.
Robin also mentioned planning for your pets and animals.  Making arrangements with your neighbors, how to transport large animals and being sure you have all the needed equipment at the ready in the event of a need to evacuate.  Remember our first responders can only do so much; it takes everyone doing their part in being prepared for an emergency.  We thank Robin for her time and look forward to a more detailed presentation to come.