Posted by Shellie Peterson
Better be getting ready!!!  It's going to be the best party in town, next Saturday night!!  
Ticket sales are due into John and Helen Richardson by MONDAY, October 15th, or you will be charged for the tickets you have in your possession.  No one wants a ticket to go unsold!  Get them turned in if you have not sold them so that some of our "Super Sales" folks can do their stuff!  Besides, it's not a party unless there is a full house and we have important WORK TO DO HERE!  We are raising funds for our scholarship students! and all the other work we do in this community every day.  More folks attending, more folks learn about Rotary, more folks buy cocktails, more folks bid on silent and live auction items.  It is all important.  
Speaking of important, how are your sponsorship commitments coming?  We need these in by Monday as well.  There is time required to get to the printer for the large poster acknowledgement of our very important sponsors for this event.