Posted by Shellie Peterson
Cata got us started with a beautiful invocation in Spanish.  I have always loved the sound of the Spanish language although personally, I could not speak or understand a single word.  She briefly  interpreted that the words were about learning to love ourselves and to take care of each other.  A little later in the meeting Cindi Galabota passed around a clip board for folks to sign up to inspire us with their own invocations!  If you missed the clip board, give Cindi a call and she can put you on that list.
Cindi also shared that the RYLA committee has met, made updates to the application forms, and is ready to get them distributed to the High School .  The event will be held in Glenwood Springs, Colorado Mountain College June 21 - 24.  Application forms are due to be returned to Cindi by April 19 and the interviews will take place the week of the 22nd.  Encourage that special student that you know to apply for this great opportunity!  Also, transportation is needed for one leg of this journey.  If three students are selected it will require a larger vehicle.  Please get in touch with Cindi if this is something you would like to experience.
The Hatcher Ice Melt contest has been extended!  Please get the word out that folks have UNTIL THE BARREL FALLS to continue to make guesses about that exact month, day, hour and second.  Just think, as the time goes nearer, your chances to win get better and better!  But, don't wait too long!
Tickets and posters were made available for the Gary Morris Concert on April 20, 2019.  Gary will do an interview with KWUF at 8:00 am on April 8th, so check in to listen to that.  Also, we will have the cover of the Preview on April 18th.  In the meantime, lets get selling those tickets! It would be just wonderful if we can fill that auditorium.
The Casino Night planning continues to move forward.  Don't forget to put that date down as well for May 17th!  We will most likely need to recruit more dealers so keep that in mind as you attend various functions and be making a list.
David Richardson gave us an update on brother John.  Other than the annoyance of having to wear a large uncomfortable neck brace, John and Helen are doing well with the recovery from his surgery.
Then Betty took over to celebrate our birthdays for the month of March.  Georgette,  Allen, Sue and Jeff were all called to the front of the room to don their birthday hats.  Jeff had a terrible time making his work.