Rotary helps Habitat day
Story and photos by JoAnn Laird | Rotary Club of Pagosa Springs

The beauty of the many Pagosa Springs nonprofits is that they are all about helping our community to be a better place to live, work and recreate.
On a beautiful autumn morning, about a dozen of Rotary Club of Pagosa Springs’ finest strapped on tool belts and wielded paint brushes, to work side by side Habitat for Humanity of Archuleta County mentors in helping to build the three homes Habitat currently has under construction.

The Rotarians helped with installing flooring, soffits, covers for heat pumps, interior painting and building front porches. Saturday was a busy, productive day for both community-service minded organizations.
Habitat is celebrating its 30th year in Archuleta County and the Rotary Club of Pagosa Springs has been lifting up the community for 45 years.
Local nonprofits have a positive impact on others and the volunteers that serve those organizations are to be commended. Ideas are exchanged, long hours are put in and the community is better for it.
The Rotary Club of Pagosa Springs not only commits to international endeavors such as fighting polio, building schools and providing medical assistance, but they are hard at work in our town as well. Scholarships of over $25,000 are given each year to graduating students, highway trash is picked up, weekly backpacks are filled with food for some of our elementary students, teacher mini-grants are provided, third-grade dictionaries are distributed, orchestrating inbound and outbound exchange students and there’s even a fun evening of boot scooting coming soon at the annual Jeans and Jewels Barn Dance, on Oct. 12.
Rotarians love to lend a helping hand, not only to Habitat, but also to the town for the Fourth of July Parade and at the Archuleta County Fair. In short, Rotarians are everywhere. Their motto is “Service Above Self”. They live and breathe that motto. For more information about Rotary, go to This past weekend, Rotary helped Habitat in moving three families into a new home. They would love to have your giving spirit join their team.