On October 25, Rotary Club of Pagosa Springs members were ringing the bells at City Market and asking for your contributions. As usual, this community is a  generous one.  A total of $427 was contributed to Rotary International’s PolioPlus fund and will help us achieve a world in which no child is paralyzed by polio again. 
In addition to the collections at City Market, the Rotary Club of Pagosa Springs individual members have contributed $695 so far this year. The Gates Foundation joined in these efforts with Rotary in 2002, matching two for one every dollar we can raise.  With the Gates Foundation match that is a total of $3,366.
To sustain this progress and continue to reach every child with the polio vaccine, Rotary has committed to raising US$50 million each year to support global polio eradication efforts. The Gates Foundation has pledged to match that 2-to-1 for a total yearly contribution of US$150 million. As long as there is ONE case of polio, the virus can come back to haunt our children with paralysis.
If we missed you on October 25, please consider donating online at endpolio.org or mail a check to Rotary Pagosa CAF, P.O. Box 685, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147.